Sole subject of this Board-Meeting was
the future of the Peter-Hesse-Stiftung, mainly after the death of its founder, Peter Hesse, in the framework of the Foundation’s purpose, „…to contribute to a just and peaceful learning ONE world in diversity – with emphasis on providing children a chance through child-centered early education to enable life-long learning.“
As its founding chairman, Peter Hesse welcomed the other four members of the Board: Mrs. Dr. med. Sabine Uhlen; Mrs. Lynne Lawrence (Executive director of AMI), Dr. Hans-Joachim Preuß (Director of GIZ and vice-chairman of our Board) and Mr. Philip O’Brien(President of AMI) – and he greeted Mr. Michael Dirkx (Executive director of our host-foundation, Schmitz-Stiftungen) and – as a potential future member of the Board – Dr. Jörg Boysen (chairman of the Montessori Umbrella-Organization, Germany). as suggested by Peter Hesse.
There shall be two additional board-members to replace two current members:
1. – Dr. med. Sabine Uhlen, who wishes to concentrate on promoting and co-financing the scientific work of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake for a „learning Humanity“. Dr. med. Sabine Uhlen has already contributed to facilitate Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s scientific work, which matches perfectly the umbrella purpose of the P.-H.-Stiftung She continues to support the child-work of our Foundation with her professional skills. One new Board-member, replacing Dr. Uhlen on the Board shall be part of the basic education field: Dr. Jörg Boysen has been asked by Peter Hesse, the founding chairman, to agree to accept this position and has accepted to join the Board.
2. – Peter Hesse – after his death or should reasons of health force him to retire from the Board of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation. The potential candidate joining our Board after Peter Hesse’s death or retirement will be Mr. Christo Xafis, suggested by the Schmitz-Stiftungen, to strengthen the firm ties with our Düsseldorf host.
After the departure of Peter Hesse from the board, the remaining five board-members shall select the future chairman of this board and its vice-chairman.
After a short but substantial exchange and after Dr. Boysen’s introduction of himself, the five Board-members present expressed their gratitude to the departing member, Dr. Sabine Uhlen; they agreed unanimously with the suggestions and signed the original draft of an agreement. The Peter-Hesse-Stiftung is now on firm grounds to proceed in Haiti, in Africa and in the world according to the Foundation’s purpose.
Peter Hesse, Düsseldorf, 8 June, 2017 – witnessed by Michael Dirkx.