

Our yearly in-service training started on the 20th July and took place over a period of two weeks during the school vacation. The training toook place at our residential training center in Liancourt.

Thirty-eight teachers from twelve schools in respective parts of Haiti – Jérémie, Carrefour Feuilles, Tabarre, Gonaïves, Leogane, Kenscoff, Santo, Maïs Gate, Bois d’Avril and Liancourt – attended the training.

This year the emphasis was on language. The teachers were taught how to make the language materials, which they will take them back to their classrooms. A combined effective of 1217 children will benefit from the language materials which the teachers will take back to their schools.

An advanced Math seminar also took place over the two week period. It was conducted by Patricia Gwin, Association Montessori Internationale trained. Mrs Gwin has been coming to Haiti to conduct a series of seminars for teachers during the school vacation periods